Members must be approved

World of John Wick: The Low Table is accepting new members. If you would like to join, click here to request access from the Group Creator.


By donating $25+ dollars a month (CDN) you can become an officially recognized sponsor. This unlocks a variety of exclusive perks for you to enjoy during and after the production, including:

  • Access to the script development to offer your feedback, creative ideas and suggestions.
  • Receive official collectors merch from the film ( refer to the "Collector's Merch" page block on the left )
  • Receive the "Executive Producer" rank on the Djemini Network, and our official "World of John Wick" Discord Server
  • Receive one free ad block, with an ad of your choice, anywhere in the World of John Wick : The Low Table Production Group
  • Receive one free ad block, with an ad of your choice, placed in the "sponsors" tab on The Low Table Djemini Profile
  • Promote your business or business of your choice on all of our associated social media pages (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter / X)





Collector's Merch

The Elder's Certificate    
A Distinguished Notariety

By donating $25 or more per month, ou'll be sent an official "Elder's Certificate" marking you as an official sponsor for the film. Along side receiving this certificate, complete on stylised paper and enclosed with the official wax seal of the Elder, the certificate holder will have their name listed and displayed along side our other contributors during the opening and closing credits of the film.

Each certificate will be hand signed and sealed by the director / producer of the film, Andrew Harvey, and be sent via the mail to you upon receiving the first monthly subscription on Ko-Fi.


Donate $25+ / Month to get an Elder's Certificate
and be credited as "Executive Producer" to the film.


2023 Djemini Designed and created by Andrew Harvey, CEO and Founder of Djemini Studios.

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