Low Table Guestbook

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We'll Be Seeing You...

13412708099?profile=RESIZE_180x180Current Plot Summary (A work in Progress):

John Wick is gone - A true Tragedy. But in his stead, many are inspired by his courage to make a stand against the High Table. After many years pass, and many had died, those who formed a small resistence against the Table were defeated, and those who survived went into hiding to escape the consequences of the Adjudicators. One of those defiant men is named Corvin Andeas, who lays low and settles in a rural, mountain town in BC, Canada. Though it's not long until he finds that the small town he arrives in is steeped in corruption, and bit by bit, he comes to discover an underground child sex trafficking ring under the High Table, run by a gang of drug lords who are gentrifying the town and murdering anyone who steps on their toes.

After wondering into the belly of the beast to investigate further, he is confronted by the lethal forces of contract hit men. Corvin, having nothing left to lose, decides that there's no amount of gold that anyone could pay him to NOT do something about the horror he then confronts... with his particular set of skills, and no Continental for a safety net.


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Firearms Screen Test

FIREARMS EFFECTS SCREEN TEST: Does this look real to you folks? 😎

Disclaimer: This is a plastic spring loaded toy gun intended for film making, So please don’t get your panties in a bunch over it. All muzzle flashes and sound effects are added with digital editing in post. Nothing is coming out of the barrel but air.


2023 Djemini Studios.com Designed and created by Andrew Harvey, CEO and Founder of Djemini Studios.

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