Members must be approved

World of John Wick: The Low Table is accepting new members. If you would like to join, click here to request access from the Group Creator.

Positions Are Now Open for Cast, Crew & Promotional Team!

World of John Wick : The Low Table is, for the time being, an entirely zero budget fan film production produced by Andrew Harvey of Djemini Studios. As more support is gained and commited to the production, the odds of being able to secure a budget inscrease. But for now, what we have is what we got. 

So if you are interested in taking on a character role, volunterring for a camera crew position or offering a few minutes a week to help us promote the film, then just know that these are all volunteer positions for the time being. If nothing else, by taking on a role in the film production, you will learn some new skills, have a fun and engaging social activity, or in the best case scenario, be awarded with a decent pay out at the end of it, should the film gain a lot of views on YouTube or we secure a working budget to pay our contributors.

To apply for a cast or crew position, please follow the steps listed on the left side of this page.

Join our Promotional Team!

When the time comes to go on full ludacris speed in promoting the release of the film, I've put together a public profile on the Djemini Network to act as a promotional container for all our official media releases, teaser trailers, early screenings and more. Make sure to add "The Low Table" as a friend once you get signed up, and you'll see ocassional posts from the Low Table on the main Promenade timeline.

This account is the main publisher for all the promotional photos, videos and other materials in the Productions group, and is also assigned as a moderator to the group to make social connections, and to provide prompts for promoting those materials on our other social media pages like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter / X

Cast & Characters

"Corvin"  |  Primary Protaganoist
Performed by Andrew Harvey ( The Djedi )

Corvin is an enigma - A middle aged white male who's grown up as a noble paragon of the street who cares for his small few friends. But then he discovers something about his past and bloodline, leading to a mystery about why he's been kept systemically supressed and socially isolated from the world, and about why all those close to him end up dying from highly questionable circumstances.

Film Crew

Camera Operators:

If you have a camera of your own, that's great! The more cameras we have on set, the better to cover as many angles as possivle. Even if you have a modern smart phone that can shoot up a minimum of FHD (1920 x 1080) and have dynamic focus control, then we can make it work. We have a variety of tripods with clips to hold iPhones and B roll cameras.

If you don't have a camera, then we have a really cool toy that we can teach you how to use, a custom build steady-cam rig dubbed "The Djemini Knightwatch V.3" 

Click here to check it out! 

Sets & Locations

Confirmed Location
Broken Hill | Easy Tiger Lounge

The underworld of assassins needs a secret place to hang out, where they will be free to talk about business, and to "Have a drink, and relax" 

Read More on Locations Page

Apply for a Cast or Crew Position

Step One: Sign Up for the Djemini Network

I built the Djemini Network to house all of my creative projects, for it allows far more dynamic control over the content that is posted, and how it is shared among its members. All production notes, script details and other production related events and activities will be housed here, so that all who are a part of the cast, crew and promotional team can access it at anytime.

If you are already a member, please Sign In

Step Two: Join this Production Group

Once you are approved as a member of the Djemini Network, when you come back to this group, you'll see a yellow notification bar at the top of the group, with a link to request to join. When clicking on the link, you'll be prompted to leave a message to let us know which kind of position you are applying for.

For a full list of available positions, please refer to the "What We Are Looking For" list on the right side of this page.

NOTEIf a role is available, it will be marked with some red text under the title with instructions on how to apply for the role.

Step Three: Stand by for Approval

Everything on the Djemini Network in done manually by myself or one of my moderators, so please be patient and stand by to have your application approved. Once approved, you'll gain full access to the rest of the group tabs, including lists and descriptoins of the Props & Set Pieces, Script Notes, a full Discussion Forum for planning, A Soundtrack page for reviewing the film score, and a complete list of our "Assassins" which are the other members of the production  team.



2023 Djemini Designed and created by Andrew Harvey, CEO and Founder of Djemini Studios.

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