World of John Wick : The Low Table is, for the time being, an entirely zero budget fan film production produced by Andrew Harvey of Djemini Studios. As more support is gained and commited to the production, the odds of being able to secure a budget inscrease. But for now, what we have is what we got.
So if you are interested in taking on a character role, volunterring for a camera crew position or offering a few minutes a week to help us promote the film, then just know that these are all volunteer positions for the time being. If nothing else, by taking on a role in the film production, you will learn some new skills, have a fun and engaging social activity, or in the best case scenario, be awarded with a decent pay out at the end of it, should the film gain a lot of views on YouTube or we secure a working budget to pay our contributors.
To apply for a cast or crew position, please follow the steps listed on the left side of this page.