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Props and Set Pieces

The Dragon's Eye Emerald

This Ancient Gem, "The Dragon's Eye Emerald" has been passed down from one Elder of the High Table to the next, for countless generations. He who possesses this stone, along with the other trademarks of the Elder, carries with him the power of Ordo Imperatum, granting him supreme durisdiction over all affairs above or below the High Table organization.

One of the most ancient games among the ancient order of assassins, even long before the formation of the High Table, was for the members of the Brotherhood to compete over who could steal the Dragon's Eye Emerald, whilst both evading detection, and without having to resort to murdering its current holder. This practice was held as a way for the members of the brotherhood to keep each other sharp, alert and on the ball.

But once the High Table formed and all the original members of the Brotherhood had passed on, this playful practice became a deadly competition over who would have supreme authority and final say over the affairs of the High Table and its members.

Vintage Blood Oath Marker

Blood Oath Markers are an ancient right of "One's Word is One's Bond" however the word leaves not a mark - your blood does. For hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, the world of assassins used Blood Oaths to keep their word to one another. One you do a great deed for someone, you can present them with a Marker, representing their intent to return the favour at a later date, no matter what the task may be.

The one receiving the gidt of another's word marks their blood inside the Marker, and unpon repayment, the giver of the gift and the Marker marks their own blood, completing the contracted Blood Oath.

Continental Gold Coins

The Continental Hotels were established to observe and distribute responsibility in a top down manner from the 12 members of the High Table. Though they do reserve a certain amoung of autonomy and durisdiction over their own locations, members and holdings. They are left t operate independently, save only from the discernment of the High Table Adjudicators.

These gold coins are produced exclusively for the commerce surrounding the Continental Hotels and their members, and are carefully manufactured, counted and accounted for by the Continental Hotel managers. However, following the events of John Wick: Chapter 4, the original coin press that produced these coins was lost in the skirmish of power between the Continental Hotels and the High Table members. The press is said to have been destroyed along with the New York Continental. In our story, now only a small and very exclusive number of coins are in circulation, and are highly sought after by all assassins under the High Table, due to their very limited supply.

Ancient Continental Coin Press

Following the destruction of the New York Continental during the war of the Rebels taking on the High Table, it was thought unanimously after many years of searching that the coin press had been lost or destroyed. And following the defeat of the Rebels, the remaining Continental Hotels and their managers were de-consecrated, their managers murdered and their holdings are now controlled directly by the High Table and its emissaries.

By maintaining a strict scarcity of the remaining coins in circulation, the High Table has been able to exact a tyrannical grip over the lives of those serving under the table... until one day, a rumor begins to spread that the Ancient Coin Press may still be out there... though no one can say where exactly.


Corvin - The Enigma

Corvin, a enigmatic rogue assassin with a pentient for the color green. This suit was assembled for under $100 dollars. It started when an ender friend of mine named Avery gifted me a really nice paid of dress pants, that fit me perfectly. So of course, I had to go to the thrift shop and pick up a suit jacket to match them, and a nice pair of leather dress shoes.

But as time went on, the idea of wearing a suit became more and more appealing, as I had just dope head first into the John Wick films at the time. So to bring it up a notch, I found a green, paisley styled vest with a matching tie and pocket square. 

To complete the outfit, one of my late elder friends named Raymond left me with 3 fine white dress shirts, all in very good condition, though maybe just a bit short on the arms.

Altogether, these items inspired me to get into wearing a suit on a regular basis, which is something I never thought I would do. And out of that change in my personal style, I was inspired to make a short film to show it off. One thing led to another, and now here we are, collecting suits, props and other items for making a full on John Wick spin off.

"After all, a man's gotta look his best when it's time to get married... or buried" -The Bowery King 

 The Elder's Black Suit | Armour Fit for a King

It started off with my friend getting me some black dress pants. So then I had to get a shirt and jacket to go with it. Though I wanted to add some green to the mix, so I custom tailored the suit jacket to have a green veltev liner, to match with the green paisley vest, tie and pocket square.

In terms of the story, this suit was one of the first "bullet proof" suits ever crafted... a relic of the Assassin's world, it is handed down from one Elder to the next, and worn only when involving himself in business.

Green Paisley Vest | The TEMU Special

To finish off the look of the suit, I needed something to pull it all together, and get into a vibe. Having been always passionate for the color green, I jumped on a random ad that sprung up on my Facebook timeline, showing me a matching green, paisley patterned vest, tie, pocket square and cuff links.

After ordering and trying on the vest with the suit, it's now become my regular "go to town" outfit. I modified the vest a bit with some elastics spanning the lower back, to hold it more tightly in around the waste.Additionally, I added a button and ring attatchment for clipping on the genuine wind up pocket watch that accompanies the vest in the left pocket. 

In the story, this vest is also lined with the classic "bullet proof" material.

Z Dragon Belt Buckle with black leather Paisley Belt

You can't be stopping every 20 minutes to make sure your pants aren't falling down, and that you've got a last resort weapon to use if you are diarmed and have nothing else to use.

This solid ratchet style automatic buckle features a quick release, and it atatched to a black leather, paisley etched belt that can be adjusted to suit any length.

Black Leather Underarm Pistol Harness

This rustic looking black leather harness is worn under the suit jacket, as a place to stash away the Elder's Reach when not being used. Additionally to the holster, this harness featured a number of rare and identifying tokens of the Elder.


2023 Djemini Designed and created by Andrew Harvey, CEO and Founder of Djemini Studios.

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