Photos | The Vault

Creative Collections


Creative Collections | View All Collections 📜
Bands, DJ's & Musicians  |  Visual Artists & Photography  |  Clothing, Fashion & Design

This photo collections album is the place to post anything that has to do with creativity and human expression. This is a public album, meaning its a great place to host a collection of photos for your art, music or other creative endevour, and have a dedicated URL for people to visit it.

Only subscribers can add photos to these collections. Categories are created upon the request(s) of members. For example, if you want a dedicated collection of photos for your band, I can create a category for you labeled with your band name.



Business Collections


Business Collections | View All Collections 📜
Storefronts & Giftshops  |  Internet Ads & Social Marketing  |  Product Photos & Reviews

This photo collections album is the place to post anything that has to do with promoting businesses, and generating what I call a grass roots "Social Marketing" platform. This is a public album, meaning its a great place to host a collection of photos for your business, and have a dedicated URL for people to visit it.

Only subscribers can add photos to these collections. Categories are created upon the request(s) of members. For example, if you want a dedicated collection of photos for your business brand, I can create a category for you labeled with your campany name.



Exclusive Collections


Exclusive Albums & Collections 📜
Subscriber generated full albums with branded album covers & multiple collections

This section features a gridded list of full albums and subsequent collections generated by our subscribers. Each album can feature its own unique album cover photo, and host muliple collections organized by owner specified categories.

Only Silver+ subscribers can create albums with exclusive collections. if you are a Silver+ subscriber and wish to create an album for your own collections, please send a private message the Network Admin.



👤 Dashboard

10885820293?profile=RESIZE_180x180Help Center
10885441860?profile=RESIZE_180x180Producers Dashboard
11150573858?profile=RESIZE_180x180Djemini Launcher

Where do I upload my photos?

Photo Albums | Upload & Browsing Structure

Each large page block you see listed vertically down this page is a photo album. Each album hosts its own collections or categories. Each category is given its own page URL displaying a full grid of the photos in that collection.

Each photo in a collection can then be additionally tagged with keywords for more refined searching within the collections.

Adding Photos to Collections | Staying Organized

To add photos to a collection, scroll to the album you want, click on View All Collections for that albumand then click on the +Add Photo link at the top right of the desired album's page. During the upload process, you can then select which collection(s) in the album to add your photos to, and add tags for more refined searching.

Note: Members who have not subscribed are resticted to adding photos only to The Free Zone album.


Building the Archive | Request a Category

Categories are created upon the request(s) of members. For example, if you want a dedicated collection of photos for your band or business, I can create a category for you labeled with your band or company name.

Click on the Photos | Request a Category tab in this page block to comment with your request. Please read these details first:

Free Zone Requests: Members who have not subscribed to one of our 3 tiers are restricted to posting photos in The Free Zone, however, new categories can be created for the album upon popular request. Other members can then vote with a 5 star system on which are the best categories to add to the album.

Subscriber Requests: Other albums aside from The Free Zone are created exclusively by myself to build my own collections, or my Subscribers who request a category to be made for them. ITo request a subscriber category, just comment with the name you want to be added as a new category for your work.


2023 Djemini Designed and created by Andrew Harvey, CEO and Founder of Djemini Studios.

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