Current Plot Summary (A work in Progress):
John Wick is gone - A true Tragedy. But many are inspired by his courage to make a stand against the High Table. In the years following, a small alliance of Continentals formed a small resistance against the Table, but were defeated. Those who survived went into hiding to escape the wrath of the Adjudicators. Enter Gabriel Andreas, who is a young, rebellious man who's oblivious to the underground world of assassins, but has a talent for using his iPhone and open wi-fi signals for hacking and online research. Gabriel lays low homeless, in a rural, mountain town in BC, Canada, completely disenfrachised by the world he was brought into.Β
While wondering the streets asking for spare change from strangers, Gabriel notices an older man who appears to be stalking him from a distance, named only as Corvin. Upon approaching and probing the man, Gabriel learns he is an enigma that no one knows much about. UponΒ trying to investigate the background of the man, Gabriel comes to discover that Corvin, just like himself, has no records of where he comes from, which family he is from or much of anything about him at all. He's a ghost in a world of endless and intrusive record keeping and surveillance.Β
The relationship they form over the course of this mystery / action thriller ends up uncovering an ancient secret, and unravelling a sequence of events that could bring the High Table down low... on their knees.
Donate $25 / month or more to receive special "Executive Producer" perks!Β
Nailed it on the first take.