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Star Wars Cosplayers is accepting new members. If you would like to join, click here to request access from the Group Creator.

Articulus The Djedi

11139974256?profile=RESIZE_180x180Andrew The Djedi
The Whills (Administrator)

This is the first and Official Member Card to be added to the directory. This description you are reading is from the upload / edit screen you see when either uploading or editing your Member Card entry. The description editor allows you to embed GIFS, create hyperlinks out of text, and format the text you input with a classic editor to add bold / italics or underline

You can also use the alignment tools to align text to left, center or right, and when uploading additional graphics, can have the option to wrap text around any embedded images, like the little holocron I have displayed at the top left here to show I'm a part of The Whills (Administrator) Member Role.  When you receive an Official Member Card, you'll also be sent a batch of digital assets to play with and use on the network. One of which is the holocron of your preferred Member Role in the Star Wars Cosplayers VIP Group.

Adding a Member Role Holocron to your Member Card entry:
When uploading your Member Card image file, you will be promted to enter in a description before publishing it. Or if you want to do it later, click on on the "Edit" link at the top left of the page to edit your entry after you publish it. By adding the holocron I send you as the very first item into the description box of when you upload or edit your Member Card entry, you can set the width of the holocron image to 25 (pixels) and select the "align left" option. Then you can enter in text to float on the right side of the holocron. Add your cosplayer name, then press and hold shift + enter to do a half step to the next line down. On the second line, you can type in your Member Role title to go with the Holocron!

(See top left of this Member Card entry for an active example)

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Member Card Instructions

Seaching for a Member Card:

If you know the number of a specific card you are looking for, enter it into the search bar at the top right of the preview grid. ( ex: "0009" )

Otherwise Use tags and key words. You can search for things like name of the cosplay, cosplayer, faction, force alignment, species, card number...etc. Or you can also use the Albums listed in the "All Albums" link above to refine your searches.