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The Continental: Official Trailer | Peacock TV Original

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13462373870?profile=RESIZE_180x180Synopsis: The three-part event will explore the origin behind the iconic hotel-for-assassins centerpiece of the John Wick universe through the eyes and actions of a young Winston Scott, as he’s dragged into the Hell-scape of 1970’s New York City to face a past he thought he’d left behind. Winston charts a deadly course through the hotel’s mysterious underworld in a harrowing attempt to seize the hotel where he will eventually take his future throne.

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Official John Wick Playlist (Lionsgate)

Expanding on The World of John Wick on the Small Screen: In addition to the 4 main films produced and directed by Chad Stehelski and starring Keanu Reeves as the acclaimed Assassin, John Wick, is a TV series entitled "The Continental", which dives deeper into the backsory of Winston - The Manager of the New York Continental Hotel that harbours John Wick throughout the 4 main films of the franchise. 

Watch on Prime Video   |   Watch on Peacock

Expanding the Feature Films Franchise: The next feature film to be released for the World of John Wick follows the story of a young woman raised and trained by the Ruska Roma, who had also adapted and trained John Wick, bringing him into the underground world of assassins, and the Continentals. "Ballerina" is schedule to release in Theatres on June 26, 2025.


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