10881759869?profile=RESIZE_400xYou New Here?

Here it is! The Producer's Dashboard - A group of Network innovators developing projects and ideas together on how to make the most of our network. As more people join and contribute, the more we can do to develop the network in the most organic way possible.Β Our primary goal here is to introduce and help you dive deep into our most valued network feature - Project Goups! But to do that, you'll need to purchase a subscription!

You Subscribed?

If you have your subscription verified and approved, you should soon see a small Subscribers Badge corresponding with your subscriber tier pinned to your profile photo. and if that is the case, you're all set! To get started on your first project, click the "Create a Project" link in the Producer's Dashboard, or on the top right of the Project Group Page. There you can start building a truly unique and tailored group to meet the needs of your specific project and member base.

Executive Producers

Executive producer is the role we give to our film sponsors. If you have donated more than $25 / month to one of our film productions from Djemini Studios, then you'll be added to this group and recognized on the network at an "Executive Producer" This allows to to gain exclusive access to any Project Groups "Sponsored" pages that are hidden from casual members. Sponsored pages can include the film scripts, exclusive promotional materials and offers, along with other specialized offers being offered by the Project or Production Group.

Custom Project Group Features include:

  • Upload and manage your own private collections archive of videos, photos, articles, discussion boards and MP3's.
    Create custom search categories and displays for your content.
  • Select, design and label your own page blocks, layouts and other design variables using the page builder.
  • Create and sell yor own AdSpace anywhere in the group with custom HTML page blocks.
  • Invite and manage your own member base and assign admins to help you with your project.
  • Manage your privacy to decide whether your project group is public or private.

A growing nummber of Video Tutorials and HTML Cheat SheetsΒ will appear and be available in the Producer Dashboard navigation bar. If you have any requests for specific tutorials you think would be helpful, or if you have any questions or concerns, make sure to make a post about it in the Discussion Threads. Thanks!

7 Producers

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  • 4992958866?profile=RESIZE_400x

    Welcome to the Producer Graffiti Wall!

    The Graffiti Wall is a place where people can make more media rich posts and updates for all to see. Once you compose a post, it is automatically made into a truncated post for the Network Activity Feed.

    This feature includes a threaded comment section built into each post where members can edit their post at any time. HTML editors tools are available (listed along the top of this section) - there you can use the text and media controls to create a more engaging post which can include links and embeded media like pictures, iframe widgets, YouTube videos and animated gifs.

    Soon I'll be starting work on a basic crash course tutorial video on how the HTML controls work. Until then, have fun chewing on the learning curve. This should be a fun way for people to pass some time learning how some basic alignment code works, how to resize your images or videos, how to create a layout between your copy text and the media assets...etc. It's like taking it back to the oldschool days of MySpace and combining it with modern media sharing applications and threads.

    "Try not!Β 
    Do or do not,
    there is no try..."

    Β  Β  Β  Β  -Master Yoda

  • Hi! Thankyou for the invite, fakebook won't let me link this to it lol....

    • Yeah, it's a bummer that Facebook blocks these kind of "by the people" sites. Been blocking me for over 20 years, as you well know. It also might be because the Producers Dashboard group here is set to Network members only, it it may be blocking the link too. lol But you can still invite people via e-mail, or direct messaging. And any of the pages in the "Showcase" or "Landing Zone" tabs should be fully public and sharable at this point. I'm pretty sure.

      You enjoying the new upgrades? We have a community radio player now, with a collection of community shared music to listen to while we browse! and if you look at the top right side of any community pages, I've built a new Account Bar and Member Dashboard that includes Emojis and an HTML Cheat Sheet! Also included a Legend for the profile badge system I'm developping :)


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Live Customer Support

Live One on One Support is $25 / hr (minimum one hour for prep)

If you are stuck, and cannot work well with the written tutorials and cheat sheets, or you require more specific details or a visual example of something, you can request to schedule a Live meeting with the Network creator or trained administrator.

Discord allows us to record our screen and stream it over to you, so you can get a visual for what we are helping you with. Go hands free with Live Voice chat to talk through the process. All Network Pioneers, VIP's and Silver+ subscribers receive free Live Support.

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( Requires Subscriber's Badge )

Creating Project Groups on the Djemini Network  requires you to have a subscription. Please review our subscription info below.

Once your subscription has been approved and verified, you will be assigned an Official Subscriber's Profile Badge, corresponding with your subscription level. ( Emerald, Gold, Silver, Bronze )


2023 Djemini Studios.com Designed and created by Andrew Harvey, CEO and Founder of Djemini Studios.

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