Welcome to the Dawn of Dragons Production Group

FILM SYNPOSIS: The third re-write for the Story is now on the table. It's been a long road trying to find a way to tell this story that people can get excited about, and find some motivation to get on board this film. There's only so much I can say without giving it away! The new film Synposis will be coming soon.


If you have been invited here, then you've been accepted to take part in the production and / or planning of the film! Whether it be assigned a crew position for filming or making costumes, or taking on one of the few roles that will appear in the film, you'll get to see the progress of the project unfold, one step at a time.

After you Sign Up - Check out the various info tabs in the navigation bar at the top of the group to learn more about the production details, characters, story elements and other world building details as they develop! Once I have all the crew positions mapped and settled for the film then I'll be setting up an application process for us to find the people most passionate about making a mark in creative process and the ultimate fantasy landscape we hope to fashion together.

In the meantime, you can Sign Up and create a personal network profile to introduce yourself and let us know which talents or skills you have to offer the team. Once you have a personal profile to launch from, you can join this production group, or any other project group. You can also then start your own projects to host and manage on the Djemini Network. Stay tuned for the first rough draft of the script. Until then, hang on tight, because the world is about to give birth to the Dawn of Dragons... again.

Join the Quest

Join the Adventure!
Join the first VIP's to the production and receive exclusive access to the project as it unfolds! Click the link below to join the other Villagers, and receive e-mail updates on new content or updates we post.

Based upon the works of George R.R. Martin, Dawn of Dragons an original film and addtional verse that goes into exploring the distant future in the Song of Ice and Fire.Β 

Official Synopsis:
In this Fan Written verse of the Song of Ice and Fire, we reveal one of the core elements of modern story telling, "Timelessness" where a lone and highly trained man hunter from the military goes into the depths of the wilderness to seek out and secure the one man that could save humanity from its own hubris... and annihilation.
3 Villagers

George R.R. Martin "Not a Blog"

Djemini Studios Discord

If you have stumbled on this page, and want to learn more about the project, you can log into the Djemini Discord Server and see if I am around! I am beginning to resort to discord as my preferred messenger service. Thank you.


As a special thanks to the members of this incredible band from the Netherlands for allowing me to use their music in Dawn of Dragons, I would LOVE it if you guys checked out the rest of their highly inspired music, art, and lifestyle!


To have a listen to the track they have granted us permission to use, you can find it posted along with any other soundtrack material we have available to sample in our Soundtrack Tab

Official Merch