Upcoming Docu-musical - "Let There Be Music"

Petee & The Poor Boys are happy to inspire more music in the community. Since the band formed with some consistency in 2022, busking on Baker Street every friday and saturday night from 6:00 - 9:00, we've both initiated and inspired many other local musicians to come out of the woodwork and share their musicial gifts with everyone. As a way to document the journey we've embarked on, Djemini Studios has been recording and compiling video footage from the band and many other local musicians to feature in a full length docu-musical film entitled "Let There Be Music" - which aims to showcase local talent, and gather commentary in an effort to answer the question "Is Music Medicine?"

Coming Later this Summer / Fall! cool

Follow the Band!

Petee is a Senegal Parrot. The Brains of the Operation. The Grand Puba. Petee is the Band Manager. The rest of us are just second score. We do what Petee says... or else. And Petee said, "Let There Be Music!" - and then there was, and is was BlueGrass. cool

Playing together since late 2021, Andrew Harvey joined in this rag tag group of musicians who enjoyed busking regularily on Baker street. So then Petee commanded his care-giver and Dojo Player, Rudy Kraus, to lend me a bass to play.

Since then, we've been thumping out tunes on Petee's command every Friday and Saturday night on the corner of Ward and Baker street, from 6:00 - 9:00. Come and join us! Any other scheduled gigs we may get will be posted on our events page.

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