Key Activated Security Doors!?
What if it was made so that ONLY Public Stronghold visitors with keys ( perhaps Silver+ ) are able to open the Doorway Decorations (Carrick and Vaiken) I wonder how hard it would be to add that as a feature, for it would make it so that publicly listed strongholds can have both public AND private or restricted areas, in the same lodging. And when you do not have the key, and you click the door control, a message appears in quotations saying "Access denied. Security Clearance Required" so that you can place either a Personnel or Companion deco at the door as a guard, bouncer or other now semi-interactive NPC. Those Gatekeeper Droid wall decorations also come to mind as a good choice.
NOTE: In the most extreme sense of the idea.... which would likely be the hardest to program, but the coolest to play around with, would be where the stronghold / door decoration owner could select and indicate which doors require which level of key ( Bronze / Silver / Gold) in order to access certain doors. "That is where the fun begins!" - imagine... you need a bronze key to enter the private section. Then an additional silver key to access a VIP area....etc. You could have bronze, silver, and gold designated areas to your stronghold.
It might be a big ask, but it could be something like when the stronghold owner is in decoration mode, and is placing the Doorway decoration, an additional field appears in the door decoration controls, with 3 check boxes for the owner to indicate which level of key is required to open that specifically placed door decoration. A door deco with the 3 boxes left unchecked would make the door public, and able to open for anyone.
Just imagine the kinds of interactivity you could build into strongholds for either when you are logged in to give a guided tour, or away when some random public visitors stumble upon your digs? Imagine if someone is impressed enough by your public areas, that they seek you or one of your key-holders out to try and gain access to the private areas? You could get friends and other players to earn keys from you in some way... like designing your own achievements or challenges in game for them to get the key...or something simple like "You'll need to run a mission with me first!!"
Let your minds run wild for a minute to consider the possibilities that could come of it.... it would essentially create a way for players to produce "Player Generated Missions" - which could lightly take some of the pressure off of developers to produce more missions, maps, story content....etc.
(Copied from my forum submission on official website, here: