NOTE: Display size for this widget is set for use on the default profile layout, in the main wide profile column. Great for all of our members at Star Wars Cosplayers to use on their profiles, or for other member on the Djemini Network to help promote the group on their profiles!

To copy this widget without using HTML code:
- Click and drag your cusor from the top left corner to the bottom right until the whole widget is highlighted. Press CTRL + C to copy it to your clip board. Protip: While on the Djemini Network, you can copy any body of highlighted content, and copy an almost exact replica to clipboard, including pictures, videos, mized content tables, and these widgets.
- Go to where you want to paste it on the Djemini Network click to place your cusor in the field and press CTRL + V to paste. The default width is set to 100% meaning it will span the full width of whatever field you input it to. The widget is default aligned to display in the center if the field.

Embedding with HTML / iframe Code:
- Click, drag and highlight the yellow line of code below, then press CTRL + C to copy it to your clipboard.
- Go any page slide, comment section, article, blog or any other field that allows you activate HTML mode. Activate HTML mode, place your cusor in the input field and then press CTRL + V to paste in the code. Deactivate HTML mode to preview, and always remember to save your work.
- ( Advanced Users ) To copy to your own website, or another place on the internet where you can embed <iframe> codes, repeat step 1, then go to the location or page you want to copy it to, access the page code where you want to input the widget, place your cursor in the appropriate location in the webpage code, then press CTRL + V to paste in the widget code.
HTML / iframe code for light backgrounds:
<p style="text-align: center;"><iframe src="" width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no"></iframe></p>
HTML / iframe code for dark backgrounds:
<p style="text-align: center;"><iframe src="" width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no"></iframe></p>
For profiles with a navigation bar set to the side of the page, this creates a slightly different proportion to work with, as the main column is slightly narrower. So you'll need to use a slightly different version of the widget design here:
Narrow HTML / iframe code for light backgrounds:
<p style="text-align: center;"><iframe src="" width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no"></iframe></p>
Narrow HTML / iframe code for dark backgrounds:
<p style="text-align: center;"><iframe src="" width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no"></iframe></p>