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Vote Corinne Mori | Independent MLA

1. Restricting Government Overreach and Bureaucracy

The Government is too involved in our personal lives.When the Government is not properly controlled, it tends to overstep its boundaries. Overreach of Government authority leads to increased regulation, increased regulation creates a complex and rigid system, and the rigid system contributes to the surge of bureaucratic red tape.

This bureaucratic expansion further drives the government to grow even larger, which in turn demands more money to sustain itself. To fund this larger expansion, the government resorts to increasing taxes. Therefore, what started out as over-regulation, results in over-taxation, often with more money going to administer the system than what the system provides back to the public. 

In rural BC, it is crucial we safeguard our region’s resources and ensure access to essential services. It is becoming apparent that it will require a motivated and dedicated MLA to ensure our rights are protected while maintaining a stand against unnecessary government intrusion. I am that person.

2. Responsible Fiscal Government

Being smart with our finances and not overspending or wasting money. Any government which must go into debt to finance day to day operations is, by definition in financial trouble. In BC, we currently have a Government that is spending recklessly, and has no idea how it will pay off the debt it is creating.

Deficit spending can be justified in times of emergency. However, in periods of stability, responsible governments pay off that debt, so that taxpayer money can be used efficiently for things like healthcare and education rather than interest payments. 

Tax reduction is necessary as it will provide financial relief to the public, and also create conditions where the Government is forced into responsible spending.

3. Efficient Service Delivery

Governments need to stop providing services that the private sector could provide.Basic economics knows that the private business sector creates the cash flow for the economy and Governments should not be in competition with the private sector.

Government is cumbersome and does not have expertise or personnel to be efficient or cost effective. Its role is to support and encourage business development, and create a transparent process that is competitive and ensures equal opportunity.

The Free Market allows for choice to dictate supply and demand of goods and services. If the government does not interfere, the Free Market drives innovation and incentivizes people to work because there is reward, and this reward drives higher performance.

4. Independent Candidate

The Party’s Over! Opting for an Independent candidate offers the advantage of having a representative who is free to advocate for the constituents’ interests without being constrained by party agendas.

Independent governance enhances local accountability, returns decision-making power to the hands of the community members, and encourages a system where constituents’ voices hold greater weight in the political process.Northwest Territories governs with all independents; each Individual represents a community and consensus drives decision making instead of oppositional parties. It is possible.

Vote splitting is just not an issue in the Kootenay Central. In the last election, almost 60% of the electorate did not vote. There is a large percentage of our population that may be dissatisfied with the current political options, and Independent Candidate Corinne Mori, may be the choice that brings these community members back to the voting polls.


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Corinne Mori for MLA | Independent

Candidate for the BC Kootenay Central Region

  • To serve the people of the Kootenay Central Region, not the party(s)

  • To represent those who feel politically homeless and disenfranchised with ineffective party policies (at least 50% of the population did not vote in the last election)

  • Because independent thinkers function better when the status quo can be challenged and questioned


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