Spotlight | Of Saints & Outlaws

Saint or Outlaw?

Show Some Love for the The Film That Saved My Life.

Click on the "Of Saints & Outlaws | Guestbook" tab to open it, and let us know what you thought of the film! Being a part of it was surely a huge part of what made me into who I am today. I owe Trinity a dept that can never be repaid.

Make sure to leave a 1-5 star review to let us know how much this film moved you.

Official Release Poster

Supporting Cast

Statesman Ren | Perf. by Max Frobe
Grand Bishop | Perf. by Michael Graham
Cardinal Peter | Perf.  by Michael Coons
Cardinal Anthony | Perf. by Jerry Levinson
Mashal Matusac | Perf. by Richard Smedbold
Captain Puegot | Perf. by Elijah Ignatieff
Constable Jobs | Perf. by Kenny Giles
Major General | Perf. by Padma Samchuck
Cardinal Voomea | Perf. by Alexander Hula

BlueRay Cover & Credits

Contact | Website & Socials

Father & Son | Director & Producer

🎭 Primary Cast

 Inspector Xavior Dore' | Performed by Andrew HarveyLuna Del-Sol | Performed by Rochelle Apryl

Arch Bishop Malise' | Performed by Michael Calladine
Magistrate Duclaw | Performed by Brian ZachariasMahika The Wanderer | Performed by Antonio Bastone



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